The Reports menu on the Qontak Omnichannel shows the reports of conversations that have been carried out. There are several Reports options available, General, Agent Performance, Broadcast, Contacts, CSAT, CES, and NPS.
This guide talks about how to view and download the Contacts report. Here are the steps:
Open your Omnichannel Account then, enter your Username and Password. Click the “Login” button to get started.
- Select the Reports menu, then click "Contact".
- Use the available filters to customize the zone, channel, and timeframe of the report you want to view.
- Then you will see Total Contacts, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly.
No. Reports Name Description 1. Total Contacts The total number of contacts on your account. 2. Daily Shows trend figures on new contacts on a daily basis. 3. Weekly
Shows trend figures on new contacts on a weekly basis. 4. Monthly Shows trend figures for new contacts within a month. 5. Quarterly Shows trend figures on new contacts within a quarter. - In addition, in the Contact report, there is a New Contacts Overtime graph that displays the number of new contacts according to the time period that has been selected in the filter.
- Other than that, you can view charts or metrics of active customers according to the time period that has been selected in the filter.
- You have the access to download each report in Contacts by clicking the "Download" icon, then selecting "Download CSV" to start the download.
CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a file format compatible with Microsoft Excel.
Those are the steps on how to view and download the Contact report.