How to do Tokopedia Chat Request Integration

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

On Qontak Omnichannel, you can do Request Integration and Self Integration with Tokopedia Chat. Request Integration can be done if you want to ask for our help to arrange integration through the Tokopedia Developer Console, unlike Self integration where you have to register a Developer Console account independently. In addition, in Request integration, there is an approval process. This process will determine the approval status of your request.

  1. Open your Omnichannel Account.

  2. On the Channel integration menu, select Tokopedia.
  3. Then, select "Book consultation" to be contacted by our support team as soon as possible.
  4. If the Tokopedia submenu is active, then on this page, you can click "Add store" and then Request integration.
  5. You will be directed to the following page when you click "Request integration".

    There are several integration requirements, namely:
    - Make sure your store has Power Merchant or Official Store status.
    - Your store is not being integrated with other omnichannel applications because 1 (one) store can only be connected to 1 (one) omnichannel dashboard.

  1. Click "Connect".
  2. Then, a pop-up will appear as follows.

    No. Column name Description
    1 Phone number Enter the telephone number used by your shop.
    2 Store name in Tokopedia Enter your shop name on Tokopedia.
    3 Store domains

    Fill in your shop link.
    Example: your store name

    The shop domain can be retrieved by logging into your Tokopedia account > Click “My shop” at the top right corner of your profile > You will be redirected to your shop and the domain is your shop domain link.

    4 Store type Choose the type that suits your shop on Tokopedia.
  3. After that, click "Submit".
  4. Then, you will be redirected to the following page.
  5. Wait until you receive a verification email.

    Email verification will only be valid for 1x24 hours.

  6. After the email has been verified, you can wait 2x24 hours for the integration process to be assisted by the Qontak team. The Tokopedia integration page will change to the following with the status In progress.
  7. If the integration process is successful, the display on Tokopedia integration will change to the following. It says the status is Connected.
  8. However, if the integration is not approved by Tokopedia, then the status changes to Rejected and you can see the reason as follows.

This is how to request integration with the Tokopedia chat Qontak Omnichannel. Furthermore, you can learn how to manage WebChat integration here.