How to Create and Manage Custom Goals

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

With Custom Goals, you can easily create and manage targets for you or your employees, monitor progress, and track achievements based on sales data and product sales in your company. Here are the steps.

The following steps can only be executed by accounts with the Admin role. If you are not an admin, please notify your admin as soon as possible.
1. Make sure your account and team account are both registered in the main team before adding the correct users to Custom Goals.
2. If you need to add contributors from other teams that are still under your supervision, ensure that the Parent team and Child team hierarchy configurations structured in your organization are set correctly.
3. Addition of contributors will depend on the View Deals access granted to users. See the following conditions:
- View Deals = Everything → users can add all users in the organization tree as contributors in Custom Goals.
- View Deals = Team Only → users can add all users in their team and other users from different teams are under the hierarchy of those involved as contributors in Custom Goals.
- View Deals = Owned Only → users can only add themselves as contributors to a goal.

A. How to Create Custom Goals

  1. Enter the Custom Goal menu.
  2. At the top right of your Qontak page, click "Create goal".
  3. Then, on the Create goal page, fill in your data form consisting of Goal name, Goal period, Goal type, Pipeline, and Total of deal goal.
  4. Determine the Goal contributor by clicking “Add contributors”.
  5. Then, adjust your goal by filling in the following columns. You can select contributors with the position of Primary team employee from the main team or Employees from other teams. Then, click “Add”.

    Click “Filter” to find contributor teams according to category of Team and Staff level. Then, click "Apply filter”.

  6. Then, enter the goal amount for each contributor or you can also click “Distribute the same amount” if each contributor has the same amount. After that, click "Save".
  7. After that, click "Save".

B. How to Manage Custom Goals

  1. After creating Goals, you can view, edit, duplicate, and delete them by clicking the down arrow icon. You can also monitor progress on Goals through the Total Achievement column. Additionally, to see achievements per contributor, click “View details”.
  2. If you click the "View details" menu there will be goal details listed.