How to Manage Properties Menu - Company

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The Properties menu is used to edit and add fields/properties that are on a particular menu. To edit and add fields/properties to the Company Menu, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Select the Properties menu.

  2. Select the Company tab. Click “Create New Property” to add fields/properties to the Company module.

  3. Then, a display like the following will appear. Then you can fill in the description of the property. Then click “Save” to save the new property.

    The following is a description of the fields that you can fill in.
    1. Name (required): Name is the name of the new property that we want to create on the Contacts menu.
    2. Field Type (required): The type field contains a choice of the type of property you want to fill. When you click on the type field, several property types will appear that you can choose from, including:
    - Single Line Text: Filling fields with a short text.
    - Dropdown Select: This allows the user to select one of several options that appear as the field's contents.
    - Number: Field can only be filled with numbers.
    - Date: Field can only be filled with the date and the user can directly fill in manually with the format dd/mm/yyyy or click from the calendar that appears when filling out.
    - Upload: Field filling is done by uploading a file.
    - Multiple Select: This allows the user to select more than one option that appears as the field's contents.
    - Percentage: This field contents will be automatically converted to percentages.
    - Text Area: Filling fields with long text.
    - Photo: CRM will automatically open the camera for live shooting. Users cannot upload images from the gallery.
    - URL: Filling field with a link.
    - Signature: Field filled with signature directly.
    - GPS: CRM will detect GPS location on field filling with GPS type done.
    3. Required: If the required checkbox is clicked until it shows a check mark, then the property/field will be required to be filled in by the user, so the contact cannot be saved if the property/field is not filled in.
    4. Show: If the show checkbox is clicked until it shows a check mark, then the property/field description will display the contact details on the Contacts Menu.

  4. To edit a field/property, you can click “Edit”.
  5. Through the edit feature, you can change the label, name, field type, required, show, and show info, to add options to the dropdown or multiple select field types. When the changes are complete, you can click "Save".
  6. To delete the properties/fields that have been created, click "Destroy".

    There are some default fields that cannot be deleted and do not provide a “Destroy” option, so if you want to remove these properties/fields from contact details, you must edit those properties/fields and clear the show checkbox. Then, click on the “Save” button.

  7. Then the “Are you sure to removed field” pop-up will appear, then click "Remove" to remove the desired field.