Inbox is a Qontak Omnichannel feature where customer service will serve all user complaints in the form of chats that enter the Inbox.
To view the Inbox view on the Web, you need to follow these steps.
Open your Omnichannel Account.
- Here is the web view that appears after you click the Inbox menu with the features provided.
Explanation of each feature:
- There is a counter badge that appears on the Messages and Comments tab, which functions to show how many chats you have not responded to.
The counter badge that appears on the Messages and Comments tabs is different from the counter badge that appears on your browser tab. The counter badge that appears on your browser tab functions to show how many chats have not been assigned.
- "Filter" button to view Inbox with certain settings.
- “Search” button to search Inbox by Contacts and Conversation.
- If you search for Messages based on contact, then after you click the "Search" button it will look like this.
- If you search for Messages based on conversation, then after you click the "Search" button it will look like this. - "Resolve all expired chat room" button to finish all expired chats.
- Whatsapp Cloud: If you want to delete messages from WhatsApp.
- Instagram: If you want to delete messages from Instagram.
- Facebook Messenger: If you want to delete messages from Facebook Messenger.
- Including unassigned rooms: If you want to delete messages from rooms that have not been assigned to an agent. - There are 4 status messages in Inbox (All, Unassigned, Assigned and Resolved).
- All → Accommodates messages that come.
- Unassigned → All messages that do not yet have participants from the Administrator, SPV, or Agent sides.
- Assigned → Contains messages that have been replied to by the SPV or Admin and have been assigned to the agent.
- Resolved → Contains conversations that have been replied to by SPV or Admin and have been completed/answered perfectly and the Agent wants to close the conversation. - The Load older dialogs button is useful for loading previous messages from customers.