How to Add User

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The Add User feature only applies to accounts with Admin level. Make sure you are an Admin in the company's CRM to be able to add new users .

To add users, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the arrow located to the right of your username  (on the top right of the CRM dashboard), Then, select  Profile settings .
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  2. Click  "Add user"  on the top right.
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  3. Fill in the personal data of the user you will add according to the available columns.
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    No. Name of Button/Column Description
    1 first name The first name of the user (can be full name or nickname).
    2 last name Last name of the user (can be a full name, nickname, or the name of the division/section of the user).
    3 Mobile Phones The mobile number of the user, if needed.
    4 NIK Resident Identification Number of the user, if needed.
    5 e-mail addresses An active e-mail address, which can receive messages from CRM Qontak.
    6 Primary team The main team of the account (if enforcing teams within CRM).
    7 secondary team The second team from the account (if joined in more than 1 team).
    8 tags Other additional information, for marking a user account.
    9 level staff Select an employee level by clicking on the column.
    10 Roles

    Account levels in CRM, in the form of Admin and Member (Admin: has wider access in CRM, usually owned by Supervisors; Member: access for staff, under supervisors).

    - Currently, there is the activation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) which can help you maintain the security of your data on Qontak. If you have activated MFA with a certain role, then every time you log in, you will be asked to enter the OTP sent to your email.
    - List of affected roles:
    1. Agent, with access settings for all features to "Everything"
    2. Member with access settings for all features to "Everything"
    3. Administrator - Triggers that can activate MFA on your User:
    1. Changing from Trial Subscription to Main Subscription, will make you who have the role of Admin, member, and agent with the criteria for access to all features is "Everything" to activate MFA.
    2. You who are a new user with the role of Administrator, member and agent with the criteria for access to all features is "Everything" will activate MFA.
    3. Your changes as Admin, and member or agent with 'everything' access to all permissions will make you active MFA.


    An asterisk (*) in some columns indicates that the column is required, and the other columns are optional.

  4. Then, you can manage multiple accesses such as   Contact access, Company access, Deals access,  and  Task access.
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    • View: Determine the user's access  (everything, team only, or owned only) to view Contact, Company, Deals, or Tasks.
    • Edit: Determine the user's access  (everything, team only, or owned only) to edit   Contact, Company, Deals, or Tasks.
    • Search association: Determine the user's access  (everything, team only, or owned only) to search for   Contact, Company, Deals, or Task associations.
    • Timeline view:  Determine the user's access (everything, team only, or owned only) to see the Deals timeline.
    • Delete: Define delete access for that user in each section.
    • Upload: Specify upload access for that user in each section.
    • Download: Determine the download access for that user in each section.
  5. In addition, specify admin access and report access as follows.
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    No. Name of Button/Column Description
    1 Add & edit users Allow users to Add and edit users by clicking the toggle button to ON or not allow it by clicking the toggle button to OFF.
    2 Add & edit teams Allow users to Add and edit Teams by clicking the toggle button to ON or not allow it by clicking the toggle button to OFF.
    3 Add & edit properties Allow users to Add & edit properties by clicking the toggle button to ON or not allow it by clicking the toggle button to OFF.
    4 Add & edit products Allow users to Add & edit products by clicking the toggle button to ON or not allow it by clicking the toggle button to OFF.
    5 Freeze deal stage Allow the user to Freeze the deal stage by clicking the toggle button to ON or not allow it by clicking the toggle button to OFF.
    6 View Allow users to view reports (everything, team only, or owned only).
    7 Downloads Allow the user to download the report.
  6. Click "Create User" after the data entry is complete. The system will save the new account creation data.