The general type of Report generally contains an overview report of the total data inputted by sales or users into the CRM system.
1. Filter Bar
The Filter Bar on the CRM Dashboard is used to generate data according to the data entered by a certain User or a certain team on a certain pipeline at a certain time.
2. Sales Performance and Yearly Sales Comparison
- Sales Performance
The Sales Performance report displays the number of Deals (Value) data that goes to Stage Won which is grouped based on the selected period in the form of a line area graph. This chart period does not follow the time filter on the filter bar, but can be selected according to a special period, namely Daily (daily), Weekly (weekly), and Monthly (Monthly).
If the end of the cursor is directed to the line on the graph, information on the total amount of Deal (Value) appears in one period. The total amount of the Deal is converted to the default currency selected by the user.
- Yearly Sales Comparison
The Yearly Sales Comparison report displays the total amount of Deals (Value) that entered Stage Won which is grouped by year in the form of a histogram. This period chart does not follow the time filter on the bar filter but has a specific period; from the beginning of the year to the month when the chart is displayed. For example, if the graph is displayed in May 2018, then the period is from January 1 to May each year.
If the cursor hovers over the bar on the chart, the period information and the total amount of the deal appear for that period. The total amount of the Deal is converted to the default currency selected by the user.
3. Deals Won and Summary Report
- Deals Won
The Deals Won report displays Deals data grouped by Deal Maker User and their period in the form of a line graph. Data Deals that enter this graph are only those on the Won stage. This chart period does not follow the time filter on the filter bar but has its own period, namely Daily (daily), Weekly (weekly), and Monthly (Monthly). The appearance of an item on this graph refers to the time at which the deal was moved to the Won stage. Example: Deal 1 was made on September 9, 2018, and then changed to stage Won on September 18, 2018, then the Deal will be displayed on the chart for the period September 18, 2018.
If the end of the cursor is directed to the point of the graph, information about the user name, period, and the number of deals in the Won stage will appear. Users on the graph can be displayed and hidden by clicking on the user's name at the bottom of the graph.
- Summary Report
Summary Report displays changes made by the selected User or Team in the filter bar on the CRM Dashboard menu. The changes recorded are Create, Update, and Delete. The items that will be recorded changes are User, Deal, Task, Company, Contact, Note, Meeting, Ticket, Pipeline, Target, Email, Properties, Product, and Stage.
The items in the Summary Report are sorted by the time of recording changes. The items that appear are limited to a maximum of 100 items.
If one line has information that is too long so that it is cropped out, then the contents of that line can be displayed with complete information by moving the cursor over that line.
4. Deals by Stage and Sources
- Deals by Stage
The Deals by Stage report displays Deals data by Stage in a funnel-shaped graph.
If the cursor is directed to one of the groups of the graph, information on the number of deals appears as the total amount of deals and their percentage to the whole graph. The percentage is calculated based on the number of Deals (Count), not the total Deal (Value).
- Sources
The Sources report displays data that is grouped based on the contents of the Source properties field on the Contacts, Companies, and Deals Menu with the graph presented in the form of a pie chart. If there is a Contact, Company, or Deal that does not have a Source, it will be grouped as “Undefined Source”.
The Source graph for the Deals data has an additional filter called Stage.
If the cursor is directed to one of the groups of the pie chart, the information on the number of items and their percentage appears in the whole chart.
5. Lost Reasons and Tasks
- Lost Reasons
The Lost Reasons report displays data grouped based on the contents of the Lost Reasons field properties on the Deals Menu with the graph displayed in the form of a pie chart. If there is a Deal that does not have a Lost Reason, it will be grouped as “Undefined Lost Reason”. Deals that enter this chart are Deals that are in the Lost stage.
If the cursor is directed to one of the groups of the pie chart, the Deal items and their percentage of the entire chart information appear.
- Tasks
The Tasks report displays a summary of the Tasks data in table form. The Task information displayed is the Task name, the items associated with the Task (Contact, Company, Deal), the Task Status, the Priority of the Task, and the Due Date. The due date that is displayed on the report if the properties field Start Due Date in Task is filled.
Task data is displayed in tabular form that can be scrolled down with the top data being the most recently edited or created data.
6. Weighted Average Deals by Stage and Deals Pipeline Conversion
- Weighted Average Deals by Stage
The Weighted Average Deals By Stage report displays Deals data grouped by Stage and the value of the stage with the graph displayed in the form of a pie chart. The value of each stage in a pipeline can be determined by the User with the Admin role in the Menu Properties - Deals - Edit Pipeline.
If the cursor is directed to one of the groups of the pie chart, information on the total amount of the deal and its percentage of the whole chart appears. The percentage is calculated based on the total size of the deal.
- Deals Pipeline Conversion
The Deals Pipeline Conversion report displays the number of deals converted from one stage to another with the graph presented in the form of a process graph.
If the cursor is directed to one of the groups of the process graph, the number of deals and percentages information will be presented.
7. Cumulative Daily Sales Performance by Month
The Cumulative Daily Sales Performance by Month report displays the number of deals that entered the Won stage accumulatively for 1 month presented in the form of a line area.
If the cursor is pointed over the line on the graph, information on the total amount of the deal at the date appears.