How to Manage Properties Menu - Display

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The Display menu on the Qontak CRM can be used to customize the theme/appearance of the CRM dashboard according to the theme you want. Accounts with a member or admin access can change the display of their respective accounts.

Changes made will only change the appearance of the account. To change the appearance of the theme on the CRM dashboard, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Properties” menu.

  2. Select the “Display” tab.

  3. Then click “Choose File”, to upload the company logo or profile photo that you want. 

    Make sure that the photo you upload has a transparent background.

  4. You can also customize the theme colors on your CRM dashboard by selecting a display color and ticking the checkbox in the theme color you want. Click “Save Changes” to save the display customization.