General is one of the types of reports available on the Qontak Omnichannel. To view this type of report, go to the Reports menu and click the "General" tab. The reports contained in the General menu include, among others:
- Filter
Use the available filters to customize the zone, channel, timeframe and division of the report you want to view. - Agent vs Supervisor Breakdown dan Agent Online Status
On Agent vs Supervisor Break, filled in the total number of Agents and Supervisors in one Omnichannel, and on Agent Online Status, fill in information that online and offline agents. - Conversation Status
- Unassigned: Total conversations that unassigned or have not been assigned to agents based on Total Conversation.
- Assigned: Total conversations that have been Assigned or have been assigned to agents based on Total Conversation.
- Resolved: Total conversations with Resolved status based on Total Conversations.
- Campaign: Completed Total Campaign Conversations based on Total Conversations. - Total Conversations
Contains the total conversations made by agents and customers in the Inbox menu based on the selected time range (filter). - Average First Response Time
The Agent's first response from the chat was first Assigned to him.
Example: The first message arrives at 10:00 and is assigned to Ageng at 10:05, then the Agent replies to the message at 10:10, which means the First Response Time is five minutes. - Average Resolution Time
The total time it takes when the message is first entered until the message is resolved by the Agent. - Average Wait Time
The total length it takes when a message from a customer arrives for the first time until it is answered by the agent. - Monthly Active Users
Displays the number of unique inbound customers based on the selected time filter or in each period, starting from the 1st of each month. - All-Time Historical MAU
Displays the number of active users (Monthly Active Users) in the current period. Active users of each period are counted date-to-date starting from the first day of each month. - Rooms by Tags
Reports from the Inbox menu where each message has been added a certain tag.
- List of Conversations
Contains data from each incoming message (Inbox) from the customer.
- The conversation list is not included in the filter division.
- Existing reports based on the date the room was created. - New Rooms Across Time (Hour)
Contains chat traffic from each new chat room created every hour. - New Rooms Across Time (Day)
Contains chat traffic from each new chat room created every day.
New Rooms Across Time (Day & Hour) old customers whose chats have been resolved will also be counted as new chat rooms.