Templates Overview

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Settings is a feature where customers can control or adjust the Qontak Omnichannel.

To create an HSM template on the Web, you need to follow these steps.

  1. Open your Omnichannel Account. 

  2. Select the Settings, then click Inbox.

  3. Select Template, then click “New Template” to create a new HSM template.

  4. Fill in the fields that have been provided, then click the "Save" button to save the data that has been created.

  5. The pop-up notification “Successfully Created!” will appear if the data you saved is correct.

    If the data you enter is incorrect or has not been filled in, the system will automatically display a notification in a field like this "The Template Command field must be at least 3 characters".

  6. The data you have created will appear in the template list with the "Edit" and "Delete" actions provided.