Deals is a CRM feature provided by Qontak that can show and record all workflow transactions in real-time at your company. To find out the appearance of Deals, follow these steps:
- Login to your Qontak CRM account.
- Go to the Deals Menu.
- Here is the web view that appears after you press the Deals menu, with the features provided.
- Add Deal: This serves to add your deals.
- Download: This serves to download deals in excel form.
- Need approval: serves to perform approval in bulk approval operations.
- Bulk Change: This serves to make owner changes and grant access deals in bulk.
- Delete: This serves to remove deals in bulk.
- Board View: A view which display deals and grouped by stages in a board visualization.
- List View: A view which display deals in vertical scrollable list.
- Filter: This serves to find deals according to the criteria you are filtering.
- Search: To make it easier for you to find the deal you are looking for.
- Dropdownlist pipeline: To make it easier for you to find the flow you want to monitor and/or that you will use.
- Show: This serves to adjust the amount of crush that appears on your display. - On the Deals Menu, you can also find the stage deal, which is a workflow specification.
You can see the deal/transaction at a certain stage in more detail by clicking on Deals.