The Other Report Type Explanation

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In Qontak, you can add several types of reports, one of which is the Other Report type. In this Report type, there are various report options that you can add to the dashboard. To add it, you can click the Report menu  and select  Other .

1. Achievements by User by Time


The Achievements by User by Time graph displays  Deals data grouped by month of the year, plus a 6-month forecast for the following year. The graph displayed is in the form of a bar. This graph compares the weight of the deal on the Won stage with Targets .

The calculated Deal amount refers to the time at which the deal was moved to the Won stage. For example, a deal was made on September 9, 2018, then changed to the Won stage on November 14, 2018. Thus, the deal will be included in the total deal amount for the November 2018 period.

In the forecast section , the deal data displayed on the graph is a deal that has a Close Date  in the following year.

If one of the groups from the left bar hovers, information on the percentage ratio of the deal size to the target appears. If the bar in the forecast section hovers, information on the amount of the deal grouped by stage will appear.

2. Ticketing Report


Ticketing Report displays Ticketing data in tabular form. Ticket information displayed is the Subject, Item associated with the Ticket, Type, Priority, Status, and Owner of the Ticket.

Ticket data is displayed in tabular form and is divided into 5 Tickets per table page. There are additional filters on Ticketing, namely, Type Priority , and Status . The icon of the item associated with a Ticket can be clicked to go to the item's page.

3. Task Completed by Project


Task Completed by Project displays data for completed tasks per project. You can download this data in Excel form with the following display.

4. Activities by User by Time


The Activities by User by Time graph displays notes, Calls, Emails, Tickets, Documents, and tasks data grouped by the selected period. The period on this chart does not follow the filter bar but has its own choice of periods, namely the last 12 months ( last 12 months ) and the last 12 weeks ( last 12 weeks ).

If a group of bars hovers, it will display the period information and the component items associated with that bar. Either type of item can be shown and hidden by clicking the item name at the bottom of the graph.