How to Manage Campaign Planner on Mekari Omnichannel

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

Currently, there is a new feature that allows you to create recurring and scheduled Campaign (Broadcast) messages at once. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of creating Broadcasts. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to manage Campaign Planner on Mekari Omnichannel. Here are the steps.

This feature is still in BETA stage and is only activated on 100 Organizations or certain CIDs. In addition to organizations that are not included in the BETA test, the old version of the Campaign page will be displayed.

  1. Log in to your Omnichannel account, then select the Campaign menu.
  2. Then click the "WhatsApp" menu tab.
  3. Then click "Create campaign".
  4. Then you will be directed to the following page. Here is a brief explanation of each field on the Create campaign page.
    No. Feature name Explanation
    1 Campaign name Campaign name.
    2 Sender Campaign sender.
    3 Recipient list The list of campaign message recipients.
    4 Template Template campaign.
    5 Content Message Determine the Campaign template first to fill in the Content Message column.
    6 Campaign assignment Check the following toggle to determine which division will receive the assigned campaign.
    7 Sending options Campaign delivery method. There are 3 campaign delivery methods, namely:
    - Send now: Send the campaign now.
    - Send later: Send the campaign later.
    - Send as recurring campaign: Send as a recurring campaign.
    8 WhatsApp balance WhatsApp balance.
    9 Message preview Preview the campaign message.
    10 Send campaign After the campaign creation is complete, click the button to send the campaign.
  1. Pada bagian Sending options, apabila Anda ingin mengirimkan campaign dalam satu kali waktu, maka Anda dapat pilih “Send now”.
    Send now.png
  2. In the Sending options section, if you want to send the campaign at one time, you can select "Send now".
  3. If you want to send the campaign at a future time, select "Send later". Determine the date and time of sending the campaign.

    There are 4 categories of Repeat period for sending campaigns, namely:
    1. Daily.
    If you choose 'Daily', then next determine the Start date, Send time, and End date for sending the campaign.
    2. Weekly.
    If you choose a Recurring campaign with a Repeat period Weekly, then determine the Start date, Send time, Repeat on, and End date.
    3. Monthly
    If you choose a Recurring campaign with a Repeat period Monthly, then determine the Start date, Send time, Monthly schedule, and End date.
    4. Custom
    If you choose a Recurring campaign with a Repeat period Custom, then determine the Start date and Send time. You can also click "Add send date" to add the date and time for sending the campaign.

  4. After filling in all the columns, click “Send campaign’.
  5. Then the following notification will appear. In this case, you can monitor the Send campaign with the Send later and Send now delivery options on the One time campaign tab. Meanwhile, for campaigns with recurring delivery, you can monitor them on the Recurring campaign tab.

That is the explanation of how to manage the Campaign Planner on Mekari Qontak Omnichannel.