How to Create a New Ticket

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Through the Qontak CRM, you and the customer service industry can manage tickets through several stages and you can also set the ticket priority scale for the urgency of certain constraints. Everything can be done in one menu, namely Tickets. Learn briefly about this menu, here.

To create a new ticket, make sure you follow the steps below.

  1. In your Qontak CRM, go to the Tickets menu.
  2. Then, select "Create Ticket".
  3. Thus, the Create Ticket form pop-up appears. Next, you can complete the blank columns.

    No. Column/Button Names Description
    1 Ticket name Fill in the name of the ticket you want to trace and monitor the process.
    2 stage tickets Choose at what stage this ticket is, namely New, Assigned, In progress, or Done.
    3 Priority tickets Choose the priority or urgency of the constraints on this ticket, namely low, medium, high, or critical.
    4 Description Add a description if necessary.
    5 Source Choose where the problem on this ticket comes from, namely from Call, Email, Chat, Other, or Multichannel Whatsapp.
    6 Assignees Choose which Agent you appoint to solve the problems on this ticket.
    7 due dates Decide when this ticket should be completed.
    8 Test ticket fields You can add the required custom fields to the ticket here, to do this go to the Properties - Tickets menu. Example: Phone number.
    9 test You can add the required custom fields to the ticket here, to do this go to the Properties - Tickets menu. Example: Fill in the phone number.
    10 Categories You can add the required fields to the ticket here, to do so go to the Properties - Tickets menu. Example: Categories.
    11 contact association Select the contact name of the client that has constraints on this ticket.
    12 Company association Choose a client company that has constraints on this ticket.
    13 product association Select the product whether the client has problems with this ticket.
    14 task association Select related to the task whether the client has problems with this ticket.
  4. If all the fields in the Create ticket form are filled in and correct, click "Save" to save it.

This is a guide on how to create a ticket on Qontak CRM.