How to Use Natural Language Processing (NLP) Features

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

Currently, there is a Natural Language Processing or NLP feature on chatbots, which can be used to apply certain trigger keywords to chatbots, so that chatbots can respond to users according to the response you have set. This can make it easier for users when they want to get answers directly or in a short time. Previously, make sure you have activated this NLP feature when creating a Chatbot conversation.

Here are the steps for using the NLP feature.

Before activating NLP, for those of you who use the AI Elite bot subscription, make sure that when creating a Conversation, you have set the Bot response accuracy.

Here are the steps to use the NLP feature.

  1. Enter one of the Chatbot Conversations that has activated the NLP feature.
  2. Click the “+ (Plus)” icon then select “User input”.
  3. Enter User input and Trigger texts in the fields provided. And click “Save”.

    To increase the accuracy rate, it is recommended to train the chatbot by filling in as many keywords as possible.

  4. Go back to the chatbot page, then click “Preview Conversation” to see the bot response that has been set.
  5. In addition, you can also freely direct it to all types of bot responses such as Button, List, Text (with attachment) and AI Response as in the following example.

That's all the steps on how to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) Features on Qontak Omnichannel.