If the Welcome Message has been created, the next step is to create a chatbot conversation flow with responses that you can design according to your needs presented in the form of a Tree Diagram. To generate the chatbot response you want, you need to manage User Input and Bot Response on the Chatbot.
Follow these steps:
A. Creating User Input and Bot Response
Open the Conversation that you have created in the Chatbot menu.
Every Bot Response that you create, there is user input that you need to set. To create it, click ”+” then click “User input”.
After that, a sidebar named User Input will appear. You can enter User input in the available column with a maximum limit of 50 characters.
User Input can be created multiple times, by clicking “+” then “User input” according to the number of user inputs you want to create.
- Save user input to variable: Used to capture user input as a variable. Variables can be reused in Bot Response which will display the value of the variable. Click here for more complete functions.
- Trigger text: This add-on feature which is also available forthe AI package subscriberallows you to type trigger words from the customer here so that the AI support system diverts this conversation to jump to another conversation lane.The wordsyou haveenteredwill be listedbelow. You can click“Generate similar text”to get AI suggested words. -
If it is correct, click “ Save” to save the user input.
User input is also made. Click the “+” icon and you can choose one of the bot response types according to the user input entered by the questioner. There are 3 types of bot responses, namely Texts, Buttons, and Lists. Currently, with this + feature, chatbots can send multiple bubble messages according to their chatbot flow.
To learn about other bot response settings, regarding Additional settings, API Integration and Qontak CRM , learn here.
Text messages
Text is a bot response that contains a long text message to explain something (default message).
You can set Bot response settings in the following way:
1. Fill in the Bot response name.
2. Complete the Message content, to fill in the default message you want to convey to the questioner
3. Insert a file attachment in the Add attachment section . Then, click Browse file. The maximum number of files you can upload is 10 files and the maximum file size that can be uploaded is 64 MB. The types of files that can be uploaded are Image (.jpeg, .jpg, .png, and .gif), Video (.mkv, .mov, and .mp4), and Document (.pdf, .xlsx, .docx, .pptx, .xls, .csv, .s20, and .cdr). If the user attaches more than 5 files, only the first 5 files will be displayed. Use the “-” button next to the file to delete it. Once uploaded, select “Save”.
4. Enter Conversation tags, if necessary. These tags are useful for grouping conversations based on the tags you choose. Click here to learn how to add tags.
5. Select Additional settings to determine the completion of the conversation. Learn more here.
6. Click Send purchase event to send a purchase event on each Conversation tag, where the chatbot will send an event to the chatpanel to be forwarded to Meta, so that the report ads that use CTWA (click to chat WhatsApp ads) can be more informative.
7. Click "Save" if you have finished setting the bot response. -
Bot can ask simple questions that require a Yes or No Answer (or other button click options) from the questioner and select a response based on the answer.
Only available for WhatsApp Channels.
Example Case:
Bot will ask a simple question with a yes or no answer. If yes then it will go to another question and will not return to the main menu.
You can set Bot response settings in the following way:
1. Fill in the Bot response name.
2. Select the type of Header Content (Text, Image, Video, or Document) in the Header content type. If you Text, then the column that appears is Header text, but if you image, video or document, then the column that appears is Choose file attachment.
3. Complete the Message content, for the command message, to select the available button options.
4. Add a Button to the Button content type section by clicking "Add button". WhatsApp provides a maximum of 3 Buttons that can be created in 1 bubble. You can also arrange the order of the buttons by simply sliding up and down the "Six dots" icon. You can enter the button name (max. 20 Characters).
5. Enter Conversation tags, if needed. This tag is useful for grouping conversations based on the tags you choose. Click here to learn how to add tags.
6. Select Additional settings to determine the completion of the conversation. Learn more here.
7. Click Send purchase event to send a purchase event on each Conversation tag, where the chatbot will send an event to the chatpanel to be forwarded to Meta, so that the report ads that use CTWA (click to chat WhatsApp ads) can be more informative.
8. Click "Save" if you have finished setting the bot response. -
This message type offers a simpler and more consistent way for users to make choices when interacting with the bot.
Only available for WhatsApp Channels.
Case Example:
The bot will show a list of products that the user can choose from. If you select List, the default Bot response will appear according to the choices that have been selected by the questioner.
You can set the Bot response settings in the following way:
1. Fill in the Bot response name.
2. Like Button, you must fill in the Header column, but the difference is that in List, the header type is available only in text form.
3. Complete the Message content, for the command message, to select the available button options.
4. Complete the button name in the Button text. The button here functions to display the options that you have prepared for the questioner to choose from.
5. Complete the options that the questioner can choose from. You can provide a maximum of 3 items or options on the list. The maximum characters for each item or option is 24 characters. Check "Reply all answers with one bot response" if you want to make the bot response into only 1 response (all answers will go into 1 bot response).
7. Complete the List name and List description information. You can also arrange the list order by simply sliding up and down the “Six dots” icon. Or, if you want to delete one of the lists, click the “-” icon.
8. Enter the Conversation tag, if necessary. This tag is useful for grouping conversations based on the tags you choose. Click here to find out how to add tags.
9. Select Additional settings to determine the completion of the conversation. Learn more here.
10. Click Send purchase event to send a purchase event to each Conversation tag, where the chatbot will send an event to the chatpanel to be forwarded to Meta, so that the report ads that use CTWA (click to chat WhatsApp ads) can be more informative.
11. Click “Save” when you have finished setting the bot response. -
AI response
This type of message relies on the AI response that you have set up accordingly.
1. Fill in the name of this AI response bot in the Bot response name column.
2. To make it easier to find conversations that use this response bot, add Conversation tags if necessary.
3. Click Send purchase event to send a purchase event to each Conversation tag, where the chatbot will send an event to the chat panel to be forwarded to Meta, so that report ads that use CTWA (click to chat WhatsApp ads) can be more informative.
4. Click Select specific sources to select the Knowledge source that has been created.
5. Click "Save" when you have finished setting up the response bot.
Text messages
Reuse bot response
If you want to reuse an existing/previously created bot response, you can click “Reuse bot response”. After that, a pop-up Reuse existing bot response will appear, like this. Click Select Bot Response and select the response you want, then click “Reuse”. Then the Bot Response that appears will be in accordance with the bot response you have selected.
B. Set as Default Delete Single Block, and Delete with Children
If you want to delete User input, you can click the "Three dots" icon. Then, the options Set as default, Delete single block,Delete with children,andDelete will appear.
Select Set as default if you want to disable Default Fallback where every answer inputted by the questioner in the chat will be moved to the next Bot Response. So, the conversation flow is not stuck on that response repeatedly.
Example Case: You want to ask your name, age, or any question that the bot cannot determine.
Bot: Your name
User: Didi
Since the bot can recognize "Didi" as a Name, you must set that User Input as the Default User Input so that the Bot will move to another question. Otherwise, the Bot will trigger Default Fallback.
Select Delete Single Block, if you only want to delete certain User Input and Bot Response (If you have created another user input below it, it will not be deleted).
Here is the display before you click Delete Single Block (User input Sunscreen, Toner, and Clay Mask are under User input 2.)If you click “Delete Single Block” on user input 2, then User input Sunscreen, Toner, and Clay Mask will move up to replace User input 2. -
Select Delete with children , if you want to delete all User inputs and Bot Responses below it (all user inputs below the user input you deleted will also be deleted). Here is the display before you click Delete with Children. If you click“Delete with Children” on user input 3, then user input 3 along with the user inputs below it (Sunscreen, Toner, Claymask) will also be deleted.
C. Creating Input Variables
Input Variables are used to capture user input as variables. Variables can be reused in the Bot Response which will display the value of the variable.
Case Example: You want to recap the answers at the end of the conversation. The recap is Bot Response.
Bot: State your name
User: Wahyu
Bot: according to your age
User: 27
Bot: Okay, please check your data again
Name: Wahyu
Age: 27
Here's how to create input variables:
Create a User input first, then check Set user input to variable.
After that, you can enter or create a new Variable Name or tag. This will save the text entered by the questioner in the chat room as an entity so that it can be reused in the bot's response with the variable containing it.
Then in the bot response content column, click on it.
Then the Bot response setting display will appear. To Use the Entity that has been created in Bot Response, type “{{}}” in Bot Response Message Content. Then, select ENTITY.
Select the entity you want to display.
After selecting an entity, the entity will be displayed in the Bot Content Response as follows.
- You can do this repeatedly and save it as an entity one by one. Then, you can display all the entities that have been created, so you don't need to create the same entity over and over again.
- Hence, the Bot can recognize the user's answer without being blocked by the default fallback. Use the default user input, So the Bot can capture the answer and save it as an entity (not recognizing it as the default fallback).
Those are the steps on how to manage the user input and response bots on the Mekari Qontak Omnichannel chatbot.