How to Create and Edit Deals Layout on Mekari Qontak CRM

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

If there is no layout change to the columns on the Deals creation page, inaccurate columns will appear, reducing productivity, increasing data input errors, and exposing information to other teams who may not require access to these columns.

In response to this, Mekari Qontak introduces a CRM feature called Deals Layout, which attempts to alter the column layout in Deals by limiting access between teams in managing Pipeline Deals, allowing it to be tailored to the role that fills the column.

There is an additional Layout tab on the Deals page, available within the Properties menu. You can create, update, and delete previously created Layouts. Certainly, you can also use Layouts to organize Pipeline Deals. The steps below provide a more detailed description.

- Currently, you need to contact our support team to enable the Layout tab on the Deals page.
- For now, the Layout management feature, both in terms of adding fields and setting required/optional, only applies to the About Deals column. Meanwhile, the Associated Companies and Associated Contacts columns can only be set from the required/optional settings.
Associated companies & contact.png
- Columns related to Product Association can be managed via the Properties menu, specifically on Settings page.

A. How to Add Layout via Mekari Qontak Default Template

To make it easier for you to manage Layouts on Deals, Mekari Qontak presents a default Layout template called General View. In this case, you can use the template to start creating Layouts on Deals. Here are the steps:

  1. Log in to your CRM account then select the Properties menu.
  2. Then go to the “Deals” page and click “Update properties for Deals”.
  3. Next, select the “Layout” tab.
  4. On the Layout page in the General view section, click "Actions" then select “Edit”.
  5. Then the Layout management page will appear as follows. Arrange and manage each field that you want to appear on the Deals creation page.
    No.  Feature Name Explanation
    1 Layout name  If you create a new Layout, then you can fill in a new name for the Layout. The ‘General view’ layout is the default template name of the Mekari Qontak system.
    2 Pipeline Pipeline that has been created. Learn how to create a Pipeline.
    You can only choose one Pipeline.
    3 Team The available teams. In this case, there are 2 team categories that you can choose, namely All Teams and Specific Multi Teams.
    - All Teams are all teams that have access and new teams registered in the Pipeline teams.
    - Specific Multi Teams are certain teams that are selected in large numbers.
    4 Available fields The remaining available fields. You can add these fields manually by clicking “Create property”

    After adding a new field, you can automatically move the field by clicking the ‘Six-dot icon’ in the About Deal box.

    1. If you require fields related to province, city, district, sub-district, and postal code, you must pick all of these fields or select part of them, but their order must be sequential.
    Example of Sequential Fields:
    - Province
    - City
    Example of Unsequential Fields:
    - Province
    - Regency

    5 Search field name Search for the name of the field that has been created.
    6 Filter To make it easier for you to search for the field name.
    Filter avail field.png

    The filter will only show fields that you have generated or that Qontak has provided as defaults.

    7 + Create property Adding a new field. You will be directed to the following display:

    Field Type with the type 'Autofilled' will not automatically be filled with its value if the field does not appear in the Layout.

    8 Deal layout Display for arranging Layouts on Deals.
    9 Default Fields (Deal name*, Pipeline*, Stage*, and Owner*) These columns are the Mekari Qontak system's default values and cannot be modified.
    10 Icon ‘Six dot’ To make it easier for you to move the Layout arrangement.
    11 Icon ‘Three dots’ Contains the following options:
    - Edit property: Edit the Deals property name.
    In this case, you can automatically edit without having to do it on the Deals property page.
    - Set as required:Make the field mandatory to be filled in.
    - Send to top: Move the field to the top position, but the move cannot exceed the Default fields
    - Send to bottom: Move the field to the bottom position on the Deals creation page. 
    - Remove field from section: Delete a field from About deal. If you delete one of the fields, the deleted field will return to the Available fields box. 
    12 + Select field To add fields that are already available in the Available fields box.
    13 Preview Click the button to see the display that will appear on the Deals page.

    Example of a Preview that will be seen:
    14 Delete layout Deleting Layout.
    15 Save changes Save changes.
  1. Next, the layout that has been created will appear on the following page.

B. How to Create a New Layout

  1. To add a new Layout, you can click "Create layout" on the Layout page.
  2. Then you will be directed to the Deals Layout settings. Determine the Layout name, Pipeline, Team, and Field that will be displayed on the Deals creation page.

    Basically, the process of setting a new Layout is the same as the process of setting the Default Template Layout as explained in the previous explanation. The difference is that the creation of a new Layout name can be made according to your wishes.

  3. After making settings on the Deals layout, review the display that will appear on the Deals creation page by clicking "Preview" as follows.
  4. Then, the display that has been created on the Layout page will look like this.
  5. Next, you can return to the Create deal layout page and click "Save".
  6. Then the Layout that has been created will appear on the following page.

C. How to Delete a Layout That Has Been Created

Here are the steps you can follow.

  1. On the Layout data that you want to delete, click “Actions”.
  2. Then select “Delete”.
  3. Then an information box will appear as follows. Click “Delete” to continue.
  4. Then the following notification will appear stating that the Layout has been successfully deleted.

D. How to Duplicate a Layout

Here are the steps you can follow.

  1. On the Layout data that you will duplicate, click “Actions”.
  2. Then select “Duplicate”.
  3. Next you will be directed to the Create Deals Layout page. In this case, the Pipeline must not have the same Layout name as the one being duplicated. So, you need to change the Layout name that will be duplicated. If all the data is correct, click "Save".
  4. Then the duplicated data will appear on the following page.

E. Deals Layout Implementation on the Web

There are 2 Layout implementations in Deals, namely:

1. Layout Implementation When Creating a Single Deal
The following is the Layout implementation when creating a Single Deal.

  1. In your CRM account, go to the Deals menu.
  2. Then click "Add Ticket" and select "Single Ticket".
  3. Next you will be directed to the following display.

    The team implementation while managing Deals Layout when making a single deal is as follows:
    1. If a user has several Layout permissions, the default Layout is chosen based on the date of the initial permission set. In this scenario, when making a Deal, the user can still modify the Layout. If you make changes before selecting "Save changes", the columns you've filled in will not be saved when you alter the Layout.

    a. Rizal is part of the Tech Team and CS Team in Pipeline Customer Support.
    b. Tech Layout permission was granted on July 1, 2024 to the Tech Team.
    c. CS Layout permission has been granted on July 4, 2024 to CS Team.
    Rizal will select Tech Layout as the default option when generating a Single Deal.

    2. If a user has one Layout permission, the default Layout is based on the Layout that the user has set.
    a. Budi is part of the CS Team in Pipeline Customer Support.
    b. CS Layout permission has been granted on July 4, 2024 to CS Team.
    Budi will select CS Layout as the default when generating a Single Deal.

2. Layout Implementation When Editing a Deal

The following is the Layout implementation when creating an Edit Deal.

  1. In your CRM account, go to the Deals menu.
  2. Then click on one of the Deals.
  3. You will be directed to the Edit Deal page.

The following is the team implementation when managing Layout Deals when editing a Deal:
1. If a user has multiple Layout permissions, the default Layout is selected based on the date of the permission that was set first. In this case, when editing a Deal, the user can still make changes to the Layout. Then, the filled columns will not be saved when you change the Layout if you make changes before clicking "Save changes".

a. Rizal is part of the Tech Team and CS Team in the Customer Support Pipeline.
b. Budi is only part of the CS Team in the Customer Support Pipeline.
c. Tech Layout permission was granted on July 1, 2024 to the Tech Team.
d. CS Layout permission was granted on July 4, 2024 to the CSTeam.
e. Budi created Deal A using the CS Layout.
The Tech Layout will be selected by default when Rizal edits the Deal.

2. If a user has one Layout permission, the default Layout is based on the Layout that the user has set.
a. Rizal is part of the Tech Team in the Customer Support Pipeline.
b. Budi is only part of the CS Team in the Customer Support Pipeline.
c. Tech Layout permission was granted on July 1, 2024 to the Tech Team.
d. CS Layout Permission has been granted on July 4, 2024 to CS Team.
e. Rizal creates Deal A using Layout Tech.
Budi will select CS Layout as the default when generating a Single Deal.