How to Train an AI Chatbot Based on Unanswerable Questions

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

Usually, there is a possibility that the AI ​​Chatbot cannot answer the questions asked. This is due to limited knowledge of questions that have just arisen and tend to be irrelevant. To avoid this, we present several steps to train the AI ​​Chatbot to avoid unanswerable and irrelevant questions. Read more below.

A. How to Train an AI Chatbot for Unanswerable Questions

  1. Log in to your Omnichannel account, then select the Chatbot menu.
  2. Then select the AI ​​Knowledge tab and click “Training sources”.
  3. Then the following notification will appear stating that there are questions that AI cannot answer. Click “View questions” to see the questions.
  4. Then you will be directed to the Unanswered questions page. Questions that have not been reviewed will be marked with the status Unreviewed. Next, click "Actions" then select "Add as source".
  5. Then you will be directed to Add as text source to add a new source of answers that AI can learn. In the available column, fill in the answers that match the related questions.
  6. Make sure the answers you have filled in are correct. Then click “Add”.
  7. Then the following notification will appear and the AI ​​will study each new answer source you have added.

    Unanswered questions that have had sources added will no longer be displayed.

  8. If there are questions that have similar answers, you can add sources in bulk by checking the questions, then click "Actions" and select "Add source". Then fill in the answer sources that match the related questions.

B. How to Mark a Question as Not Relevant

  1. If there are questions that are not related to the company, the questions will not be answered and will be handed over to the agent and will be displayed on the Unanswered questions page. Click "Actions" then select "Dismiss" on one of the questions.
  2. Next, the question status will change to Dismiss and will not be displayed in the list.

    In this case, you can customize the view of the Unanswered questions list by filtering it by question status. The default view of the list is All status.

  3. You can also delete irrelevant questions in bulk by checking the questions, then clicking “Actions” and selecting “Dismiss”.

C. Adding Sources to Avoid Unanswered Questions

  1. To avoid unanswered questions, you can also create a list of answer sources as new knowledge that AI can learn. Click “Add source”, then select “Text content”
  2. Fill in the answers in the boxes provided.
  3. Then click “Add” to continue.

This is how to train an AI Chatbot to unanswered questions.