How to Make Recipient List for Broadcast from Menu Contact

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

The broadcast menu allows you to send broadcast messages to all subscribers or selected subscribers. To make it easier for you to send broadcast messages, you can now create recipient lists. Following are the steps to create a recipient list on the broadcast menu.

  1. Login to your Qontak Omnichannel account.
  2. Select Broadcast menu.
  3. Then, click “Recipient List”.
  4. Click “Create Recipient List” to create a broadcast recipient list and select “Select Contact” to select specific recipient contacts
  5. Then select the recipient contact who will receive the broadcast message.

    - You can also filter recipient list contacts via the "Filter" button.
    - Then select the filter details by clicking "Add Filter".
    - If you have selected a filter, click “Apply Filter”.

  6. If the recipient list contacts are correct, you can immediately click "Add" to add them.
  7. Then a pop up like this will appear. Fill in the name of the recipient list that you created, then click "Save".
  8. And the creation of the Recipient list will immediately be processed like this with the status "In Progress".
  1. If the Recipient List has been created, the status will change to "Success".